The Artist Confluence

I started this group on a whim in New York, in 2019.

After leaving the warm embrace of academia, getting back into the real world seemed particularly disorienting. I graduated with a fabulous class and I wanted to keep the support I acquired. We met once a month, shared our progress, concerns and discoveries, offered each other support and feedback.

During the pandemic the project got its name: The Artist Confluence. We continued meeting, but this time online, inviting a more diverse group of people and connecting to those that were outside of New York. Zoom allowed us to record these get together and transform them into a podcast: The Virtual Salon Podcast.

As my path lead me back to Montreal, The Artist Confluence comes with me. With the help of a new co-host, Kara Eckler, we have been working on different events for the creative community of Montreal.

On this page, you can find our previous events and announcements for upcoming ones.

Sign up for our newsletter, or send us an email if you are a creative interested in joining our community. We love to connect to new people, see their studios and include them in upcoming projects.



A gathering in Outremont Parc for a plein-air session. Bring your picnic blanket, your tools of trade and come paint with us.

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Holiday Party

In honor of the holidays, the solstice and art, we are organizing a get together with lovely people, mulled wine and a small gift exchange. Join us for this festive gathering. Meet Montreal creatives and get into the holiday spirit!

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